A Tsao aborigine friend of ours Xiao Yang (Small Goat) is leading a trek October 12-18th along Cilai East Ridge. I expect to join him on this very rigorous hike. If interested in joining us please email or call Xiao Yang's wife Sarah Tsai hikingfun.tour@gmail.com 0972218185 (speaks excellent English) to register, or see their website http://www.hikingfuntour.com/website/ (in Chinese). This 6-day trek from Hohuan Mountain to the heart of Taroko Gorge is tough and only suitable for the experienced and fit. The cost for guiding and food will be about NT$ 8,000. This trip is likely to be porter assisted, if so the additional optinal NT$8,500 cost is excellent value. Some of their photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/hiking_fun/sets/ 'Small Goat' is the big guy!
This blog (another group) gives you an idea what each day will involve. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7. Also try googling 奇萊東稜 for images.
You may also be interested in their November 11-16 Nenggao-Antongjun (we hope to join him on this one), and December 08-15 Southern Second Section treks.
You may also be interested in their November 11-16 Nenggao-Antongjun (we hope to join him on this one), and December 08-15 Southern Second Section treks.